The next scheduled local elections in Buckinghamshire will take place on Thursday 1 May 2025. All town and parish council seats will be up for election along with the 97 seats at Buckinghamshire Council, which covers 49 wards. This reflects the changes from the Local Government Boundary Commission’s electoral review.
The Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer is Sarah Ashmead, who is responsible for election delivery.
For any questions about elections please contact Electoral Services via:
Electoral Services, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF
01296 798141
Election Timetable:
Publication of Notice of Election: Tuesday 18 March 2025
Nomination delivery from: 10am Tuesday 18 March 2025*
Nomination delivery deadline: 4pm Wednesday 2 April 2025*
Last day for registration: Friday 11 April 2025
Postal vote application deadline: 5pm, Monday 14 April 2025
Bank Holiday (Good Friday): Friday 18 April 2025
Bank Holiday (Easter Monday): Monday 21 April 2025
Proxy vote application deadline: 5pm, Wednesday 23 April 2025
VAC application deadline: 5pm, Wednesday 23 April 2025
Polling day (contested polls only): Thursday 1 May 2025
Verification and count: Buckinghamshire Council wards: Friday 2 May 2025 (Stoke Mandeville Stadium). Town and Parish Council areas: Saturday 3 May 2025 (Stoke Mandeville Stadium)
Submission of Nomination Papers*
Nomination papers must be hand delivered to a Deputy Returning Officer at The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF weekdays between 10am-4pm from 10am Tuesday 18 March and no later than 4pm on Wednesday 2 April 2025.
Around 1,700 nomination forms are expected to be received for Buckinghamshire Council and town and parish elections on 1 May. Each set of nomination papers needs to be checked to ensure they are valid before they can be accepted by a Deputy Returning Officer (DRO), although it remains the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that forms are completed correctly and accurately. It is the responsibility of the candidate or someone they trust, can hand these to a DRO.
The process being used will ensure nomination forms are processed correctly, in accordance with the relevant legislation and guidance and are kept secure once received.
This follows a similar process that was in place for the local elections held in 2021 and is due to the legislation requiring specific forms to be hand delivered, rather than be sent in the post. Whilst the deadline for receipt of nomination forms is prescribed, we’ve extended the period that nomination forms can be handed in, to provide additional time to candidates, by bringing forward the publication of the notice of election to 18 March.
Electoral Commission guidance
Candidates should check the Electoral Commission guidance to check their eligibility to stand for election before completing their nomination papers:
Candidates are responsible for ensuring that they are eligible to stand for election and are not disqualified. Town and Parish Clerks or Electoral Services cannot confirm if a candidate is eligible or disqualified from standing for election.
Nomination papers
Candidates should use the nomination papers provided by the Electoral Commission which consist of the following forms:
1a: Nomination paper
1b: Home address form (part 1 and part 2)
1c: Candidate’s consent to nomination (including the pages of legislation)
2: Certificate of authorization (required to use a political party name or description)
3: Request for a party emblem (required to use a political party’s emblem)
4: Notification of election agent (unitary elections only)
The Electoral Commission template nomination forms are available via the following links:
Parish nomination papers:
Unitary nomination papers: