A New Secondary School for Burnham

This group is campaigning for a new, high-performing, non-selective secondary school on the Opendale Road School site in Burnham. (* non-selective means no entrance exams, and not a grammar school)
Currently, the 70% of children who do not pass the 11+ must travel out of the area to school, enduring a longer school day and costing parents more than £1100 per child. Burnham is the only place in Buckinghamshire to have a grammar school but no corresponding non-selective secondary school. This clearly discriminates against the majority of the children in the area, as only those who pass the 11+ can go to school locally.
The basics:
1960 Burnham Grammar School opened.
1980s Buckinghamshire Council attempted to close BGS. Parents and the local community protested and the decision by Bucks Council was over-turned by the Secretary of Education.
2023 Burnham Grammar School is now an over-subscribed thriving school.
1969 Burnham Upper School (non-selective) opened.
We had a busy school and it was full to capacity for many years.
2012 School was transferred to E-ACT Academy.
2012 Ofsted inspection rated the school as ‘requiring improvement’.
2014 onwards school declined in inspections until it’s closure.
Student numbers reduced, as expected, for a declining school.​
Parents & Guardians found solutions for their children under duress.
2019 instead of fixing the problem, the decision was made to close the school.
A narrow assumption was made that families were happy to send their children to Maidenhead.
Parents & Guardians were not consulted adequately.
2020 the local community, parents & guardians, several local teachers and Headteachers raised the concern that a school needs to re-open at this site.
2020 October this campaign group started with their support.
Onwards – verified data gathered, student numbers reviewed, local birth trends and housing researched. We have enough numbers for a school.
TODAY – Do Something ! 1. Complete SURVEY 2. Write LETTER 3. Sign PETITION
This new school is the opportunity for ALL our children in the local area
attending ALL the local Primary Schools.
Please join us.
How to contact us: newschool@burnhamparish.gov.uk.
Steering Group Current Members:
Andy Frith Chair Beeches Learning & Development Trust
Bronwen Zeun Retired Primary Headteacher, Past Chair of Governors Beaconsfield Secondary School
Carol Linton Burnham Parish Council, Vice-Chairman
Ekta Kaur Ross Burnham Parish Council
Marie Hammon Burnham Parish Council, Chairman
Viv Nicholas The Burnham Foundation
The Terms of Reference for the working group can be viewed here.
Media Publications
Annual Parish Meeting Campaign Update 17th May 2023
Round and About September 2022
Bucks Free Press 26th May 2022 - Message of support from MP Joy Morrissey