As the weather is exceptionally cold, if you find yourself sleeping rough or you see anyone sleeping out on the streets of Buckinghamshire, please contact StreetLink via or phone 0300 500 0914, who will notify our dedicated Outreach workers.
If you see anyone you believe to be under the age of 18 and or are concerned about the health or welfare of anyone that you see sleeping rough please call 999.
During Office hours you can contact our housing teams on the following numbers:
Aylesbury Vale Area: 01296 585168
Chiltern and South Bucks & Wycombe Areas: 01494 421212
Emily Barker
Homeless Strategy Officer
Housing and Regulatory Services
Buckinghamshire Council
Best wishes
A Black Test Screen is a solid black display used to identify screen defects such as dead pixels, backlight bleeding, and uniformity issues. It is essential for testing OLED, LED, and LCD screens to ensure perfect black levels and contrast. This screen is also used to detect unwanted light leaks and assess the display's ability to produce true black, which is crucial for high-quality visual experiences.